Focal Point

Phone (61) 02-9899-6606

MAJIK Enterprise


MAJIK Enterprise is a Marketing management. Accounting management. Job management. Internet management and Kitting management application that extends to over 30 modules to cover these aspects of your business. This means you install what you need when you need it allowing a much more careful investment of staff and precious working capital.

MAJIK Enterprise provides full GUI and web based functionality with "drill down" features and seamless integration to your database of choice (Microsoft SQL, Oracle, Pervasive, DB2 etc.), office automation product of choice (Microsoft Office, Lotus, etc.) and a host of leading edge enterprise "best of breed" productivity tools (Microsoft Office, Qlikview, Crystal Reports, etc.). To add to this flexibility, MAJIK Enterprise is available on the leading operating systems including Microsoft, Linux and the IBM System i5 platform. It also supports RIA technology for your tablet computers such as the i-Pad and mobile device.

Other key benefits of MAJIK Enterprise include:

  • MAJIK Enterprise is available for "in house" customisation - source code options are available.
  • MAJIK Enterprise is scalable from 1 to 100+ concurrent users.
  • MAJIK Enterprise operates with excellent performance in high transaction businesses.
  • MAJIK Enterprise is a function-rich product with numerous switches that activate features relevant to the user's environment facilitating easy tailoring of functionality for totally different operational needs.
  • Features provided in the Magic toolkit mean MAJIK Enterprise can be customised without program modifications for specific user requirements, by the user.
  • Work Flow functionality enables a user to automate a number of their current business processes dramatically reducing implementation and ongoing training costs.
  • MAJIK Enterprise is available on a purchase, rental or combination of the two, so a client is not exposed financially, until they are satisfied.
  • MAJIK Enterprise support and maintenance contracts are significantly less than competitor offerings.
  • MAJIK Enterprise is modular so clients can invest in stages allowing for the efficient utilisation of working capital.
  • MAJIK Enterprise is web and Client / Server enabled.

Please feel free to down load any of the following information (acrobat reader required)

Focal Point Technology Company profile – 8 pages

MAJIK Enterprise Module Booklet – 36 pages