Focal Point

Phone (61) 02-9899-6606

Port Vila Hardware (PVH)


About 50 employees dedicate themselves to the company activities and professionally face the many requests of the local builders, government organisations, public and private schools, local companies and also numerous private individuals. Vanuatu is recognised for its big cultural diversity, that is why, their agents are bilingual and show the dynamism to fulfill the needs of their customers. Thanks to these qualities they have gained the confidence of their customers over the last 35 years and they now stock and sell almost everything within their core hardware and fishing markets.

Industry: Wholesale & Retail supermarket
Platform: Hewlett Packard
Concurrent Users: 20


  • System Manager
  • General Ledger
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Accounts Payable
  • Cash Book
  • Import Costing & Shipment Tracking
  • Purchase Order Processing
  • Sales Order Processing
  • Point Of Sale / Credit card validation
  • Inventory Management
  • Distribution Control
  • MAJIK Link
  • PDA / Bar Code InterfaceT

“Whilst we did have a few initial teething problems (albeit because we operate in a zero decimal place environment), overall the implementation went according to plan”.